IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security
30 September – 3 October 2024 // Taipei, Taiwan

Cyber Resilience Workshop

Cyber Resilience Workshop

The 2024 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS): Cyber Resilience Workshop will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, on Oct. 3, 2024.

The workshop will focus on recent advances in areas such as machine learning and AI for cyber resilience, zero-trust architecture, and moving target defense. It will give the audience an overview of cyber resilience and provide a platform to discuss new research directions. We seek submissions from cyber security experts in academia, industry and government labs presenting novel research results in the architecture, design principles, and metrics for cyber-resilient systems.

Suggested topics of interest are given below, but are not limited to:

  • Theoretic foundations of cyber resilience
  • Formal methods for cyber resilience
  • Autonomous cyber defense and intelligence
  • Self-adaptive cyber resilience
  • Attack-resilient architectures
  • Moving target defense
  • Cyber deception
  • Resilient multi-agent collaboration and human interactions
  • Zero-trust security and resilience
  • Cyber-physical system resilience (including Industrial Control Systems, Internet of Things, Intelligent Transportation Systems, and Smart Grids)
  • Human factors in resilience
  • Trust management
  • Economics of cyber resilience
  • Dynamic risk management
  • Resilient 5G communication systems
  • Critical infrastructure cyber resilience



Paper Submission Deadline: 10 Aug 2024 20 Aug 2024 (FIRM)

Notification of Acceptance: 31 Aug 2024 10 Sept 2024

Final Paper Submission: 5 Sept 2024 15 Sept 2024

Workshop: 3 October 2024



Junaid Farooq, Assistant Professor (University of Michigan-Dearborn)

Juntao Chen, Assistant Professor (Fordham University)

Quanyan Zhu, Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, New York University



Charles Kamhoua, Senior Electronics Engineer, US Army Research Laboratory

Alex Kott, Chief Scientist, US Army Research Laboratory

Nandi O. Leslie, Senior Engineering Fellow and Chief Data Scientist, Raytheon Technologies



Submission Link: 

For original research papers, submitted papers must be neither previously published nor under review by another workshop, conference, or journal. Accepted and presented papers that are neither previously published nor under review by another workshop, conference, or journal will be published in the IEEE CNS 2024 conference proceedings and in IEEE Xplore. Manuscript submissions should be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) only. The page limit is 6 pages. Font size should be no smaller than 10 points. The minimum line spacing should be 10 pt.

Download Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings

The three most important elements of manuscript layouts are:

  1. Margins: these must be strictly followed. Manuscripts cannot be published until proper margins are used.

US Letter


Top Margin

0.75 inch

19 mm

Bottom Margin

1 inch

43 mm

Side Margins

0.625 inch

13 mm


If you have problems setting the individual margins, please set 1-inch margins all around.

  1. Manuscript should not have
  • Headers
  • Footers
  • Page Numbers
  1. For latex users, the following should be added in front of the latex file:

%% IEEE CNS addition:
\def\@oddhead{\mbox{}\scriptsize\rightmark \hfil \thepage}%
\def\@evenhead{\scriptsize\thepage \hfil \leftmark\mbox{}}%
